Lost Light locations


hallways of varying sizes. they're named after their floor level and numbered, like "L5/119" [named in MTMTE #12].


at the very front of the ship. a spacious gathering room with many massive windows and a stair-accessible loft. there are some computer consoles used for navigation and combat.

Observation Deck

located in or near the bridge.

Engine Room / Quantum Generator Room

located on the lower decks. the engine room has double thick doors

Hoist's workshop

he uses it for engineering, but welcomes guests for art and crafts too.

Perceptor's Lab

has a smaller "blast room" for dangerous experiments.

Brainstorm's Workshop

Rung's Office

ten floors below the bridge [The Sound of Breaking Glass], on the lower decks, the "only real room" among a bunch of munitions rooms [MTMTE #3?]. features his model ship collection, a wall sculpture, and wall art of the golden age of cybertron.

Magnus' Office

Rodimus' Quarters

room #077 on the C deck [MTMTE 41]. presumably both his habsuite and office. he painted the walls hot pink on purpose.

Communications Room

the domain of communications officer blaster. it wasn't working until perceptor fixed it by replicating luna 1's comms room (minus the cool monitor that took up an entire wall, to everyone's disappointment) [The Sound of Breaking Glass].

Incident Room

much of the ship's security and communications can be accessed here.


on the upper decks. they have thin doors a sparkeater can get through. they're designed to accommodate 2 bots, although some crew members don't have roommates. presumably there are at least 221.

#014, Cyclonus and Tailgate's:

#208, Chromedome and Rewind's:

#221, Nightbeat's:

#113, Megatron's:



Ten's room

accessible via vent (bottom right of image)



Conference room

never used onscreen



opened by mirage when he joined the crew in MTMTE #28.

Shooting Range

Oil Reservoir

Fuel furnace

near chromedome and rewind's habsuite #208, and directly below Megatron's habsuite #113. it's the pyrobot's responsibility, and has a sign that says P-38- C16 [MTMTE #28].

Several shuttle bays

Several shuttles

Leading Light
O Fortuna

Elevator shaft


Cold Storage

for housing crew members in stasis. presumably near the medibay.



Munitions rooms

as mentioned earlier in relation to rung's office.


for the most part, holds decepticons the lost light crew has captured on their journey.

Maximum security brig

Overlord's cell

pre-MTMTE #15. it was added to the ship long after it was first constructed with the express purpose of holding overlord.


can be accessed with magnaclamps.

Ceremony room

no official name given